We are accustomed to accepting differences as something disturbing, but in fact differences can enrich us, and expand our point of view. It’s a good thing that parents do not think the same way. In this way children can experience two points of view on the world and life, and then form their own, third point of view. Nevertheless, parents need to agree on the basic principles, priorities and boundaries of the child’s education.

Unanimity among parents on important issues is only achievable through well-meaning conversations and discussion. Accusations and heated arguments will not reduce the differences, but deepen them.

When we argue heatedly on a subject, we often activate our ego in the attempt to prove our own point of view, that we close our minds.  Negative emotions such as anger, indignation and fear block the ability of our mind to think deeply.

Above all, we need to accept the fact that the differences between us will never completely disappear. Everyone has the right to disagree, but that does not mean that no common rules can be reached. The main criterion should be what is better for the child in the long run. Consultation with a specialist can greatly help parents harmonise their points of view.

Frequently Asked Question

Нежеланието на едно дете да се храни е резултат от погрешен подход на възрастните

How can I deal with my child’s reluctance to eat?

I remember a situation when I saw a child being literally tortured. The child was stuck between the table and the chair, his head barely visible over the huge plate whose contents had to be eaten. His mother was categorical that the child would not leave the table...

How do we approach jealousy in children?

Jealousy in children is natural. However, in extreme manifestation, it can be a sign that the parent has not found the balance between showing feelings and distributing attention equally among their children. It can happen when parents have not found the balance...
baby and bear

Can fairy tales traumatise children?

Fairy tales can inspire, reassure but can also scare our children. Some tales are so frightening they can create lasting fears in children. Characters like witches and monsters are the embodiment of evil which must be defeated. However, children at their youngest age...
Не любовта „разглезва“ децата

Will I spoil my child when I show my love freely?

It is not love that "spoils" children, but the inability of parents to set boundaries and to be consistent when they introduce rules. Many parents mistakenly believe that strictness is the only way to gain the respect of their children. However, boundaries and rules...
Как да мотивираме децата да учат

How can we motivate our children to learn?

Children's curiosity is a thirst for knowledge. Every child is born with an open mind, an exploratory spirit and unlimited potential. Depending on different factors, some children develop their potential earlier and to a greater extent, while others take longer. The...